Acheh Humanitarian Project

Following the disastrous Tsunami on the 26th of December 2004 at Acheh, SUMATRA, the KUWAITI RED CRESCENT SOCIETY awarded a fast-track project to GrahamTek Singapore for the fast-track design, fabrication, transport to site and commissioning of a 350 m3/d desalination plant on the 23rd of Feb 2005.

The site at Acheh
This desalination was shipped out on the 1st April 2005 and the commissioning team left for Acheh on the 18 April.
Positioning of equipment at site
Unloading took several days
By the 6 May, all equipment was in position for hook up and testing
By the 6 May, all equipment was in position for hook up and testing
The plant required a plot of only 20 m x 15 m.
By the 27 July 2005, the plant was officially opended by the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Indonesia.

Avoid printing where possible as it takes between 2 and 13 liters of water to produce a single A4 sheet of paper.